Saturday, June 18, 2011

It has been a good but long day.

Well...what can I say.  I wrote the blog, accidently deleted the blog, and now I am too shot to write the blog.  Let's see if I can sum it up in a nutshell.  We got up very early, along with too many other folks, were held up in check-in and security, made it to our gate in a full sweat just as the door was closing, and were seated and buckled before we realized we had not had time for food, drink, bathrooms or Starbucks.  Tough way to start.

On our arrival in Houston, we attended to all the things we had not dealt with in Detroit, did a little exploring, and set out on the next leg of the trip.  When we arrived in Guatemala City, we were all amazed by the number of mission teams on our flight.  There were folks of all ages and persuations from all over the United States heading to locations all over Guatemala to serve.  I think the kids were amazed by how many people out there truly care about Guatemala.  Each of us disembarked with a tale about individuals we had met during the flight.  They had established legitamate connections with folks they had not previously known, with a sense they were not in this alone.  Good stuff.

Ginny and Kevin Holmes (the full -time Americaqn missionaries), Mark (a soon to be medical student from Florida, here for several months) and Manuel (one the the full-time Guatemalan ministry leaders, drivers, husband and father of five), picked us up at the airport, along with about 40 some backpacks, carry-ons and checked luggage.  As we settled into the house with all of the Americans and Manuel and his family, the boys moved in downstairs, and the girls upstairs.  Each of our bunk beds were covered in quilts made by women in the U.S.  Each also had a water bottle and ministry-made Guatemalan journal on the pillow.  (It feels like a 5-star mission experience.)  After an orientation meeting on the roof, we had dinner (the photo is from dinner) and have been trying to prove we can stay awake until nine.  Between the elevation, the two hour time change, and virtually no sleep last night, we are shot, or maybe it is just, it is all of us!  The boys are running on adreniline, but that has to run out, right?

The rain is falling, it's dark at 7:00, the temperature is cool, and we are in Guatemala together after all these months of preparation.  God is good.  We will be more rested tomorrow and better able to paint a picture of life in Guatemala, but right now we are just happy to be here and grateful for our safe arrival.  (Thank you for the many prayers.)

Again, thank you for your interest.
 God's blessings,
Sally, Jennifer Shelby, Nick, Emily, Lonnie, Jordan, Kelsey, Emma, and Kara


At June 18, 2011 at 7:49 PM , Blogger Shawnta Kinmon said...

Hello!!! I am a friend (used to be co-worker) of Jennifer Abate. I am so happy to know that you made it safely and are settling in. I can't wait to hear more about your trip and the experiences you have.

Thank you for including me Jenn.



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